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GoTalk NOW Programming and Sharing Tip

Kim Magee

Kim Magee

Kim is the Manager of ComTEC as well as the Electronic...

We’ve been creating a lot of fun interactive activities in the GoTalk Now app linking music and videos for our Advisory consultations and for the library. 

GoTalk Now is a really robust app, considering what we’ve been putting it through, but even robust apps can develop a little freeze or have something unexpected happen when you have loaded them up with tonnes of multimedia.

Here are a few quick tips that helped us when things went awry:

If the app becomes frozen

Touch and hold your finger on the GoTalkNow’s  Home button for 8 seconds to go back to the Main Menu. This is the house symbol (pictured below) on each page of the Communication books you have created).  GoTalk Now is a really robust app, considering what we’ve been putting it through, but even robust apps can develop a little freeze or have something unexpected happen when you have loaded them up with tonnes of multimedia.

This is also really handy if you want to get back to the Menu page to adjust some settings but are finding that the 3-finger swipe down the screen isn’t getting you there.

  • Another tip to help with this is to set up every ‘home’ button in a GoTalk Now communication book to take you out of player into the menu (and use the Back and Forward buttons to navigate between the pages)

Sharing a music and video activity with loads of pages with someone else/ another iPad

Your videos work but the cells with links to songs don’t.

With songs, it seems, that unless you have all of the same songs downloaded in Apple Music on the other person’s iPad, the music cells will not play.

The songs will need to be downloaded and linked to the cells on the pages. If you have shared a book between two of your own iPads with music downloaded on both, it is still worth checking that the links have worked, by quickly playing through the activity/book. It's only funny once when Twinkle Twinkle plays instead of Metallica (and scary if it's the reverse!)

To hire an iPad with GoTalkNow and other AAC or specialised interactive apps check out our library and ask us about creating some customised GoTalk Now pages for you.

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ComTEC is a team of allied health professionals who specialise in communication technology.

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