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Speedier emailing on the iPad

Ania Ciechanowski

Ania Ciechanowski

Senior Clinician Occupational Therapist – Assistive...

Remembering email addresses is a challenge for anyone. Often long and complicated with combinations of special characters and numbers, they can be a barrier if typing is tricky and fatiguing or if reading is a challenge.

A handy ‘speed up’ is to go to your Contacts first, instead of your Mail app.

Tip 1: If you have loads of apps on your iPad, move the Contacts to the Dock (the bar at the bottom of your iPad screen) so you can find it more quickly.

Screenshot of Home screen of iPad

Tip 2: Add photos or Memojis to your contacts. The names in the contacts are organised alphabetically. If you more than one friend e.g. whose name starts with B, you can tap on each of the names until you see their photo or picture.

Screenshot of a Contact card on the iPad.

Once you’ve found the person you want to mail, tap on the picture with the little envelope.

This will automatically open up mail and pop in your friend’s email address.

Tip 3: You can use the microphone in your iPad’s keyboard to dictate your Subject and message.

Tip 4: Set up a signature. To save you time writing a sign off message and your name, you can set up a signature in the iPad’s Mail Settings. It could say Kind Regards, Bye for Now, Can’t wait to hear from you or anything you like. You could change it and add holiday greetings at different times of the year! 

Screenshot of Settings app on the iPad.

To learn about making using your tablet or computer easier or to look at alternative access technologies, book a phone consultation to see how one of our ComTEC occupational therapists can help you.

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