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How to trial assistive technology options with support from ComTEC

Kim Magee

Kim Magee

Kim is the Manager of ComTEC as well as the Electronic...

Did you know that ComTEC has an equipment library for you to hire equipment to trial?

We all know how important it is to trial things before you buy! Being able to trial different assistive technology solutions is important for the person using the technology as well as the people around them who support them.

Our equipment library has items available such as

  • iPads with communication apps
  • Single message devices such as Big Macks
  • Static devices like CheapTalks 
  • Alternative mice and keyboards
  • Laptops with voice to text software
  • Switch adapted toys

Our team manages all of our equipment library requests and we can help you find the equipment and accessories that you would like to trial and answer any queries that you might have.  This year so far we have organised over 100 hires of assistive technology equipment for people to trial in their own environment, at home, school, workplace and in the community.

We have over 200 equipment items to trial. We also provide a support package so our ComTEC specialists help you get the best out of the trial for you.

Did you also know that we can provide hire of equipment nationwide?  Most of our equipment items are small in size so delivering them to anywhere in Australia is easy!  We hire equipment nationwide and have sent equipment to therapists and families in all states including remote locations and mobile therapy services.

All equipment items are tracked and you don’t need to worry about insurance as we have that covered.

Check out our equipment library and book a session to get started!

ComTEC is a service of Yooralla

ComTEC is a team of allied health professionals who specialise in communication technology.

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